MPR Solicitors secure no further action on rape case

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Our client was the 16 year old straight “Grade A” son of a prominent business family in the local community. He was accused of raping a female teenager.

At the outset, our instructions were to advise and represent the young man. We felt at the outset following the police interview conducted under caution that the case was weak. With this in mind, we set about putting together a case strategy for the client and his family.

We actively did a lot of the investigatory work that the police should have conducted. We liaised with the senior investigating officer and also made written representations to the police and CPS outlining the discrepancies in the case.

As a result, the CPS took the view not to continue to investigate or prosecute the case. The allegation was dropped against our client and he was able to continue with his studies unhindered.

It is important when facing any allegation that appropriate steps are taken to continue to liaise with the police via specialist criminal defence solicitors who can make a difference as in this case. Many people faced with criminal police investigations do not pursue matters during a bail period. We would advocate that this is not the right approach to take in a lot of cases. At MPR Solicitors, we specialise in defending individuals and corporates facing criminal charges or allegations. We can often make a difference at the pre-charge stage.
