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MPR Solicitors instructed in Operation Suzlon - Running and Managing Brothels across London

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MPR solicitors have been instructed this month to vigorously defend in a large-scale conspiracy to manage and run brothels in West London as part of the Met’s Serious Crime Group’s investigation into an alleged highly sophisticated crime network under Operation Suzlon.

The case involves months of undercover police work and covert surveillance, Proceeds of Crime Act financial orders, and volumes of paperwork. The firm’s Serious and Complex Crime Team were chosen for their proven track record in defending and advising in large-scale conspiracy cases and for the bespoke service offered by its specialist criminal defence lawyers and solicitors. The law in relation to brothels and prostitution is a highly complex one and requires a thorough analysis of the facts and a detailed knowledge of the law and latest cases.

If you think MPR solicitors can help you in your case or the case of a close friend/family member please contact us in the strictest of confidence for an initial consultation on 020 3824 8080 or email us at
